Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Cross Country Flight Log: EIK-TAD-EIK

Last week, I took N733XB on a long cross-county from Erie (KEIK) to Trinidad (KTAD) and back, solo. This was my first trip southbound over the Denver metro area solo so after consulting Foreflight, I talked through my plan with the FBO's front desk guy (who's working on his commercial rating and has a lot more experience than me - never be afraid to ask questions in aviation). 

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My route would take me from Erie over the Rocky Mountain Metro (KBJC) class Delta airspace, then south over the Palmer Divide and it's associated high MEAs, through Colorado Springs Class Charlie, over Pueblo and then finally onto KTAD. A lot of airspace to deal with so I figured the best bet would be to get flight following as soon and use ATC as a helping hand.

I departed Erie to the north and did a wide semi-circle until reaching 8500 feet MSL on a southbound heading. Fortunately, N733XB is a Penn Yann Aero 180 hp conversion so she climbs pretty well even out here in Colorado. As a result, getting to altitude didn't take too much time. I picked up flight following with Denver Approach/Departure on 126.10 and was cleared across the top of the BJC class D and into the Denver Bravo for good measure.

Denver handed me off to Springs Approach and I was asked if I was familiar with Meadow Lake Airport (KFLY) in order to fly direct. While I've never flown there in the "real world" I had in FSX and I knew its position so I responded to the affirmative and was asked to alter my course to swing east of KFLY and around the fairly busy Colorado Spring Muni Airport (KCOS). I stayed with Springs Approach for quite some time and then it was back to Denver approach who handles the terminal area around the Pueblo Class D. I was cruising at  9,500' MSL so I passed over the class D with quite some margin. 

Pretty good views of Pikes Peak on both legs of the trip.

After that, I was handed off to Denver Center and made my way further south toward Trinidad. It's always cool for a lowly private pilot like myself to be on the same frequency as the "big boys"; United, Southwest, Air Force Academy training flights, etc. That always makes me feel like I've really arrived. 

Approaching KTAD - Gives you an idea of how desolate the countryside is.

KTAD was reporting winds favoring their runway 3 and, coming from the north, I was setup pretty well for a 45 degree entry for a left downwind on runway 3. The winds were reported as 6 gusting to twenty-something so I knew my rusty crosswind skills would be put to a test. But, fortunately it wasn't as bad as I though it would be and although the landing left a LOT to be desired, I made it down and taxied to the lonely FBO to refuel. I was met by the sole line guy who couldn't have been friendlier - in aviation, that seems to happen frequently! After a quick 16 gallons, I was back in the air and headed home. 

The terminal at Perry Stokes Airport in Trinidad, CO. Complete with soda fountain. 

The return flight was nice and uneventful. I climbed up to 10,500' MSL and picked up flight following from Denver Center. This time I was able to go through the Springs Class Charlie airspace and went back into the Denver Bravo. While passing through the Bravo, I flew just west of Downtown Denver and was able to get some great views of the city.

Downtown Denver from 10,500' MSL
Videos from the flight:

Erie to Trinidad

Trinidad back to Erie

Total flight time: 3.7 hrs Links: EIK-TAD | TAD-EIK

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